August 01, 2008


People sometimes ask me, "Oh, are you religious?"

My reply is usually, quietly to myself "Mmmm, not really." Out loud I just say yes.

Lots of people are religious about lots of really regular, quite dull things - facebook, soap operas, football, bowel movements, etc. People are religious about some really important things too, like switching on the national grid in the morning.

That people ask me if I'm religious as if it's an accusation I find ridiculous, want to hold a mirror up and suggest ten different ways you could ask me the question if only I thought you may stick around long enough to hear the answer.

I can't really describe how I understand God because I don't understand. I am not religious in any way, shape or form over a thing that has no shape or form and about which I am always struggling to discern the way. Do I believe God's there? Yes. Do I pursue God? Yes. Do I do anything that could be described as ritual to help me keep up pursuit when words run out, or the spirit is weak? Sometimes. What things? Things that have rhythm and repetition, and probably require me to stick at it longer than five minutes if any kind of breakthrough is to be achieved. Is this religious? No, I don't think so, it's more devotional, and this is why I picked up the guitar again after fifteen years, threw it in the car on Tuesday morning and took it to the menders.

I need to make some devoted rhythm.

{Today's soundtrack: Feist}

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