November 27, 2011

In Any Doubt

Perhaps you may not believe me at this stage, but it's true; more true now than it ever was. I promise, promise, promise, I am not making this up - everytime I look at my feet. If you don't mind, I'm not going to try saying anything.

{Today's Soundtrack: Lanterns on the Lake - Lungs Quicken / Tricks}

November 22, 2011


Okay, look. The point is, I'm as desperate to get back to writing as a Princess fighting through thorn and thicket to get to her Daniel in distress, but these recent weeks have presented way more than just basic events and I must attend to those first. But you must know, not a week goes by when I don't think of you and wonder how life is going.

While I've been beavering away on one of The Major Projects Of My Life, I have also—with detective powers of my siblings to thank—discovered family I never knew existed, and while their biographies read like a role call in a far-fetched novel their passions and achievements set a context for things I have experienced but never had a frame of reference for. More on that later.

For now, this is just me checking in with you, and also paying tribute to my brother and two sisters. It is very good to know them, because as nuts as life can sometimes get—even when they are part of that nuttiness—it's good to know who's in the middle with you.

When I came home from Peru, I heard 'Atlas Hands' whilst walking around the shops during a fierce bought of jetlag. The lyrics struck me so much in a moment of totally inspired disorientation, so I wrote them down to search later for who was singing. This album is entirely beautiful.

{Today's Soundtrack:
       Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Last Smoke Before the Snowstorm}