May 07, 2009


"I would love to live like a river flows,
carried by the surprise of its own unfolding."

Chatting today with a new friend, we mused about different seasons in life, mourning the loss of those past while grasping the purpose in those current. He asked me what season I was in now, and without too much hesitation I answered, "Spring". I was trying to remember this quote and got the words all mixed up, so regret stumbling my way through a potentially eloquent moment!

Hopeful spring, it's impossible to detail precisely how the plants will grow or what shape the flowers or fruit will be. And so it is that we are–like the river–surprised by the unfolding, captivated and compelled to keep moving forward. It's the nature of growth.

As occasionally happens, I am sorry for such lengthy absence. I could say I've been busy (true) or have been frozen in Winter (also true) with nothing going in and nothing coming out. Either way, I hope the arrival of Spring will cause some fresh unfolding.

{Today's Soundtrack: A student's seranade}