May 22, 2007

Orange Badge

Dare I be so honest as to confess I'm feeling a bit tearful at the moment? Sometimes things just creep up and get ya, right when you're least expecting. However, this little orange badge came to my help glowing out amongst the cram of memories on my pinboard. It felt like seeing it for the first time, so I tried to shoot the way it stood out. Simple and cute, unashamedly so.

And there were more Circles of Confusion again at sunrise, though they were perfectly still while the swifts squealed past in the huge and clear morning air. No momentary overlap and moving on - they were just resting with each other.

I pray today that we all find our places to rest and be soothed, and that this doesn't have to be complicated.

{Today's soundtrack: Turin Brakes - The Optimist LP}

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