November 02, 2006

Little Treasures

We—Steve, Lorna and I—spent Sunday morning in my sitting room making polaroids with a big, chunky beast of a medium format camera. I wanted to capture the special combination of people, surroundings and light.

Polaroid is expensive, so it makes you think before pressing the shutter. This combined with using a huge camera slows the whole experience down completely and asks for your close attention, which feels like an appropriate translation of the gentle friendships we share.

Of course, you reap immediate harvest ripping out the sheet from behind the camera, with a little print ready to go. I like having these prints very much. The alternative would be files downloaded never printed, or negs— undeveloped for weeks—waiting to be printed up. Somehow neither of those options demonstrate enough respect for the souls involved, so instead I stick my ten carefully shot prints in a book the following evening and enjoy them.

Little treasures - both my friends and the polaroids of them.

{today's soundtrack: Feeder - Comfort in Sound}

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