November 08, 2006

Kitchen Sink

Washing up is a great leveller, and can be as comforting as hearing Trevor McDonald read the news. Surface simplicity with no hidden agendas.

A friend of mine has been writing about contemplative prayer and how to go about it. It's complicated, but really straightforward at the same time. It's complex because it involves getting beyond the constant chatter that crashes around inside the head, a kind of ego management that you realise goes the opposite way to the survival mechanism most of us have running as auto-pilot, most of the time. That auto-pilot sounds a bit like this:

"I'm right, I'm right, I'm right, I have to be right or I'll look stupid or maybe not stupid but even so, it's still nice to be right and I'm only doing what I think is best"

Contemplative prayer takes you above and beyond obsessing like this and is therefore why washing up comes to mind, because you're not even doing what's best, you're just doing. You're not right, you just are. You don't look stupid, you're just looking. For a bowl's worth of water, you don't have reason to engage in ego management (unless you fall into competitive scrubbing), you are just performing a little ritual cleansing.

Thought for the Day: Washing up is good for the soul.

{no soundtrack today except a ticking clock, from which I had to break off the second hand as it was too loud.}


meretrician said...

Yes. It might be to do with the inner quiet that only comes with doing stuff, like walking. I spent today cleaning the house, and definitely reached an improved state of being. I am not joking.
I really like this blog.

Betty Silk said...

that's funny, I nearly put "i'm not joking" on my post too. Like we need to apologise for being normal?

thanks for dropping by.


lorna said...

I totally agree with this post Lizzie. I often fight having to do the washing up. It sits there- looking at me- cluttering up the work surface. I wait and wait for the magic washing up fairies to arrive with their rubber gloves and Fairy Liquid but there are times when they must be too busy Elsewhere and I just have to roll my sleeves up.
But then the hot soapy water takes over and my mind wanders, and ideas that I've locked out with a wall of THOUGHTS battle there way in and show me their glorious selves. I get all inspired and clear headed.
It only gets rubbish again when you run out of drying space by the sink.

Betty Silk said...

If I ever threaten to buy a dishwasher remind me of what I'd be missing!