November 15, 2006

2 nuns and a canoe

There's no punchline, it's just great, look: Tymawr

(By the way, this isn't my photograph, in case you were wondering.)


Anonymous said...

Are we doing a caption competition?

Ellen Loudon said...

it is a beautiful thing...their commitment to both canoeing and nunnery is plain to see.

BionicBuddha said...

Beautiful images on your blogsite. Thanks for sharing!

Betty Silk said...

a caption competition, hmmm, I suspect not unless it's about the relative merit of using a whimple as a splashdeck.

Don't you just love them? I hope I'm canoeing in a dress when I'm their age.

Ellen Loudon said...

To be honest I thought they looked like they might be in trouble...that river weed seemed to be causing concern for nun no.1. But they seem so committed I am sure it all worked out in the end (in fact if it was a tragic tale I am sure they wouldn't have used the photo).

Betty Silk said...

They do look like they're in a pickle, and the lack of audio is a shame - the sweet sound of giggling sisters outside their comfort zone...

Maybe they're looking for something. Moses, perhaps?

meretrician said...

It has a kind of Heart of Darkness feel to it. Nuns are intrepid voyagers in more ways than one. If you have any doubt of that fact I would recommend Paul Durcans poem " Six nuns die in convent inferno". His best although not his only poem about nuns.