February 04, 2011

Pulling Focus

"I do not run aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air."
1 Corinthians 9:26

Whether or not you know where you see yourself in five years time (a question that seems to have cropped up a few times this week), it is still possible to be focused in your life. Do you find that the people who ask that question are very tidy people? Yes, me too, and good for them. It must be lovely to be so well arranged and have plans that are immune to sidewinds. (Interesting, there is a vicious wind out there today.)  Does your lack of answer for the 'five year plan' question cause you to feel inadequate or unusual for not hitting immovable specifics? Don't feel that.

Can we attempt a reframe? Perhaps more important is to be able to define your values. It's about naming the things that you pursue whatever the circumstance.

Maybe it would be more helpful to ask this:

What is it you are fighting for?

If you can figure that one out, you have all the battle plan you need to start pulling focus.

{Today's Soundtrack: Laura Marling - I Speak Because I Can}


Dylan said...

Interesting. I was once asked where I see my self in five years time. The only thing I could think is that if I was still in Bristol then I would like to be at Hope and if at Hope then still do youth work there. My friend asked "Why don't you get trained in youth work then?" That was three and a half years ago and look at me now. Even a gauge sense of the future can provide a direction.

Keep up the blogs.

Betty Silk said...

Thanks Dyls, very true and good story you have too. Roll on the remaining 1.5 years...