Animals, the lot of us. All this hypothesising about mature and dignified ways to communicate and be nice to each other, actually sometimes don't you just want to growl? Loudly?
This one particular little person and I have been roaring at each other for a few years now. It started when I realised at about 8 months she was quite good at primal scream therapy. I'm not sure her parents were glad I discovered this, but it does nothing other than make us smile, a lot, especially when we are in a densely populated place. She always starts it and I can take no responsibility for encouraging her in this free expression. You do understand. But rather than this being angry or fierce, it has come to be a signal like the way lions grumble across the bush, just to check in with each other. In fact, our roaring has become a good sign that we are on the same page. A resounding 'hello you!'
Lots of reasons why we growl at each other, some bad, but some definitely good.
If this track isn't used in a slice of beautiful elevating cinema this summer, then I shall eat my various garments and question everything.
{Today's Soundtrack: Phoenix Foundation - Buffalo}