July 30, 2010


Is there a problem that can't be fixed with gaffer tape? And has this board lost its former glory, or does it look somehow more glorious having 'dinged' and living to tell its tale, bearing scars with pride? (On a body-conscious note, those who lament the presence of dimply thighs, apply the same principal - every dimple is testament to an important conversation held over cake/coffee/beer. Don't tell me this theory doesn't work for you!)

[Agh! As I type, have just knocked a cup of tea over on a new cream rug, christening it to stained perfection. Hot water, fairy liquid, towels, that didn't even see the week out and the poetry kills me.]

If there's a problem that can't be fixed with gaffer tape/string and a little lateral thinking, it's probably documented here, or there - displays of genius, and truly beautiful.

Moral of the story - don't let your repairs betray the truth of a great life thoroughly lived!

And talking about displays, today has been a practical sort of day, and one which has required a very well presented outcome in which this image plays a part. See my News page for the full story. Here's wishing you a held-together-at-the-seams-with-gaffer-and-initiative-but-doesn't-it-make-us-look-herioc weekend.

And whilst we're talking poetic timing, trying to remember the name for T's ST, and at that moment it started up on the radio, thereby saving my dimpled bacon.

{Today's Soundtrack: Frank Turner - Try This At Home}

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