December 15, 2006


In between things...

I never wanted to be so beholden to technology as to miss using my lightbox for a few days but that's just what's happening! When it's all running smoothly it's easy to take for granted. I guess this is a good sign though, that my little adventure in www is coming to mean quite a lot.

A friend emailed me this week encouraging me not to worry about losing kit, because being a photographer is a state of mind. I'm glad she said this, just when I was feeling insecure about not having all the gadgets, although I'm not sure I'll be having a go at the project of making a pinhole camera out of my a-hole. Thanks for that back to basics suggestion honey...

Today's horrible job was filling in the insurance claim, and collecting quotes from camera suppliers. They shall remain nameless, but in future guys-behind-counters, don't patronise me about wanting to still buy a film camera just because your employers are following the herds into digital. This ordeal is bad enough as it is, and you're meant to be on my side. Ok, enough.

Oh, and another thing, this week my excellent sister took me to see DJ Shadow play his instruments. He was incredible. I told him I loved him, and a few hundred people laughed but I think he heard me. It was a diamond of a night in amongst all the coal of late. Thanks G star, you rock like that Shadow genius *****

1 comment:

John H said...

You're not the only one who's sick of being patronised for using film by camera shop staff. Wish that these eejuts would get a clue :(