November 24, 2010


Sometimes, the big picture is just too big. It becomes impossible to know what to do with the wealth of everything you know, dream of, or consider possible. The magnitude of the world's triumphs and challenges was never meant to live entirely in your small hands, but even so how many of us try to pick it all up at once, and then start to buckle under the weight?

It is not wrong to have dreams, but here's the secret – the best things of all probably happen without your being able to dream them. There lives the definition of 'beyond your wildest dreams'. They come up out of the blind spot and bite you!

And how may we be enticed away from the huge, unweildy things when they need to happen without our limited imagining stifling their progress? We come in close and peer at the tiny things again. Be engaged with the minute details as they unravel, or glisten like little diamonds, or—rain drops on a leaf—become tiny magnifying glasses asking you to bend down and examine this magic! Enjoy the details, because these too are hard fought and precious treasures. Don't ignore them.

Sometimes, the big things don't need our help, so long as we believe they are happening, and we are ready to act when they do appear out of nowhere.

Be alert, be engaged, and be delighted by the details of today.

(...for example, the way Tulip Tree leaves look like Top Cat.)

{Today's Soundtrack: Nina Simone}

1 comment:

Sharon said...

This is lovely Lizzie - gorgeous pictures, powerful idea and I love the Top Cat leaf!