November 16, 2010

I'm On Fire

Once in a while, something that has always been there catches your eye as if you are seeing it for the first time. In some ways, you probably are, in the sense that everything (most things) are growing and shaping and being renewed constantly, whether of the body or of the soul. So you see everything afresh, whether you know it or not.

They say that a particularly hard winter and a wet and sunny summer cause Autumn to riot with its colours more than usual, and it certainly seems that way at the moment. To describe this autumn as a 'riot of colour' is a cliché, but the word 'riot' is accurate. It is like the dying aria of its wild life, the last jaw-dropping explosions of a firework display, before its conceding to Winter which stands quietly on the path up ahead. 

It makes me want to live every day of this life as if it were Autumn, which I suppose, in a way, it is.

I'm on fire.

Today, in loving memory of my Godfather Tim. Bless you, and 'travelling mercies'.

{Today's Soundtrack: Bruce Springsteen - I'm On Fire}

postscript, 11pm - I've just returned from Tim's funeral. He had suffered with Motor Neurone's Disease for 10 long years, but his peace and dignity shone today, and his humour too. As the pall-bearers picked up his wicker casket to leave the church, the music began — what was this familiar brass intro? He had chosen the theme from Steve McQueen's 'The Great Escape' and yes, we laughed a lot. Tim, you're still on fire. x

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