August 18, 2010

Keep Moving

Getting a big, bad blue door feeling again today, and although it seems far too hot for anything in life to be acting like winter, there seems to be some discrepancy between dreams and reality at the moment - dreams one side of the door (the other), and reality this side. On a good day, narrowing this gap is our joy. On a tired day, not so.

This morning I woke too early from a dream where I was pulling a series of crux moves on a sea-cliff climb. This is wild - I haven't climbed in months but it is one of those dreams that feels hyper-real - physical, emotional, spiritual. The climb is getting steeper, then overhanging, and I am having to move really slowly and carefully so the rock doesn't spit me off, every fibre of my being poised and balanced. All I can do is focus intently on these critical moves, and because of that forget my camera is casually slung over a shoulder. At one point I hear a crash and think I have dropped it. It isn't the camera, thank God.

Keep moving, I coach myself.

Not hard to interpret this one. Yet another hardcore climb was all I was given to do with life for a while. It is all I have to comment on. I was worried about losing my camera. I didn't lose it. I have my story, I have my tools for telling that story, and I have woken up.

Big, bad, blue door feelings seem to happen at the start of most new ventures, just after the first cleanly optimistic stages as reality of what's actually involved kicks in. For artists, writers, musicians, this is familiar ground.

Must remember there's light the other side of the door.

Keep moving, I coach myself.

{Today's Soundtrack: Rue Royale}

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