January 26, 2010

Winter Blues

Scientifically speaking, when you look at a snow scene your eyes make corrections to the real colour, so you think you are looking at a balanced colour 'temperature', nice and neutral. Actually it's blue, as you can see when you look in the shadows of this uncorrected photograph. The atmosphere draws out out red and yellow light waves, and by the time the vast, clear skies have had their say it leaves mainly blue light waves hitting the ground, so that's what is actually bouncing around of this pretty–but cold–winter light. (Clever things, eyes and brains. Have you heard that thing about wearing glasses that invert your view, and it takes just a short while for your brain to re-invert the image so you think you are the right way up again and can walk straight? Just what is real??)

The snowy blue here looks a lot prettier than I'm feeling this back-end of January. As a colleague said the other day, "We just need Spring to come now." Amen, brother.

Cold and grey and fed up with winter now, unashamedly and self-indulgently thinking of sweeter things. x

{Today's Soundtrack: Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. Come on girl, snap out of it.}

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