July 12, 2007

Impossible to sit still

For some reason, this simple scene stopped me in my tracks a couple of weeks ago during a struggle to properly engage holiday style. I recall it today because this is my first full day back at work for a while, and I'm finding it very hard to sit still and concentrate on one path of work thought for the whole afternoon.

Sigh. Life's just too big to contain at a desk in a building...

It's nice work, really not complaining, but somewhere between the Cornish coastline, a retreat in Sussex and a lighthouse on Lundy in exhilarating gales my head and heart appear to have entered orbit. Here's hoping that this humble image will do its work!

Interestingly, though maybe inexplicably, this is one of those scenes that made me lose track of time (as per last post - despite it being in a working fishing harbour and therefore quite a stinky place to hang out). Perhaps its power is in the balanced and reflected angles that draw equilibrium... or maybe the uncomplicated arrangement of shape and colour that was refreshing to my tired eyes, always so busy taking everything in. Either way, this is my gentle way in again while trying to come back to earth and work out where to begin.

{Today's soundtrack: Orbital - Lush | Halcyon}

{Additional soundtrack: Arvo Part - Spiegel Im Spiegel}

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