June 19, 2007


Some advice: while you're busy not being overwhelmed, don't prize off one of the lovely, springy keys from your laptop keyboard in order to remove a massive crumb that dropped in from your lunchtime sandwich. Those keys are springy for good reason, and you require a bachelor's degree in airfix to put it back on again. I'm now qualified and studying for my masters.

Moral of Story: Don't eat your lunch while browsing online! How many times have I been told! ;;;;;;; it was only the semi-colon but it still mattered...

{lads to the rescue Soundtrack: RUBY, RUBY, RUBY, RUBY!!}


Unknown said...

I would also not recommend trying to grasp a mug of hot ribena over your laptop as you're on the phone.

The processor really doesn't like it...

As I discovered...

One humungus overdraft later...

Betty Silk said...

eeeek... head clasped in hands on your behalf, as I move my cup of hot tea a little further away from the machine.

Laura said...

I would suggest not holding a cup of take away coffee with your right hand, removing the lid with your left so you can just move it back across the top of the laptop and into the trash can on your left hand side.

Ooooh, did you know that just one little drop of liquid can't fry the whole thing??

Who knew!

Lucky for me it was a company owned machine but ugggggh.