February 22, 2007

A Rock and a Hard Place

"I lift my eyes to the hills. Where does my help come from?"

Just calculated it would take 36hrs to reach these particular hills if I left my home in Bristol right away, packing just a simple overnight bag, with a seat being available on the very next plane to Auckland and of course money being no object. (Oh, and of course aswell, carbon footprints being something we continue to ignore. Boo.)

Why this picture today?

It's 4.44am, and I can't sleep for thinking about a thing. It's a nice thing, but a situation I wish I was more involved with, and a situation I can do nothing about, and this continues to be the case despite it having been going on for weeks. It inspires me and frustrates me in equal measure, so I look to my great leveller, the hills.

Hills stop me looking down, I like them for that reason, and also the 'being tiny' phenomenon. If I had enough faith could I really move these very mighty statues of heaven? Either way, the being that sculpted form into those clay shapes has a pretty good clue how life is laid out so I try going with this for now. Anything of worth requires patience and strength.

Stuck a little bit between a rock and a hard place, and oddly I find the view beguiling.

{Middle of the night soundtrack: A nocturnal robin, and Justine Electra's 'Fancy Robots' - "put on your shoes, you know what to do"}


Anonymous said...

Last night I spent an hour exploring London by A-Z, concluding that it's actually alright where I am; ie Not in London!

Betty Silk said...

I've just got home from a few days in London, totally frazzled! All I did was sit in coffee shops with friends and stroll around setting the world to rights but even doing that was enough to finish me off.

So glad to be home again...