May 27, 2011

Hard Hats

I heard this really interesting comment yesterday on the radio, Rob Lowe talking about being an actor, that if you are not competitive about it you may as well get out of the industry. Somehow that seemed at odds with the sensitive world of the actor. And then I watched 'The Apprentice'. As much as I can't bear the bitchy back-stabbing, I do admire the sheer balls of people who do everything they can to work that conviction that they have what everyone else wants, even if that is a weird product that no one needs.

Is success about selling something no one needs? And is winning about being noticed and picked above everyone else? No, we all know by now that's not true. There are alternatives to making money and having stuff, which I imagine most readers of this blog get. But if you are not bloodthirsty in business and ruthless in self-promotion, how then do you make this alternative project and big dream stuff work, materially speaking? I have a trip switch that flips whenever I'm faced with material competition, I just don't care, and it can be really counterproductive. Where will I find what it takes to dig in and make it work?

Let's reinterpret. Let's say competitiveness is actually strong courage against adversity. And let's appreciate that this conviction to go all out for something necessary you don't yet have—faith—will see you through some really tough moments. It makes sense that these would be qualities you expect to find in successful people, and it's their stories I want to hear – stories of courage, strength, faith in adversity and endurance for the long haul.

I found this picture of when I was making the angels project, and it reminded me that there is another angle on the building of big dreams that does not involve individual competitiveness so much as a willingness to dig in, push through and work damn hard to make a dream become reality. I suppose what it comes down to is the nature of the dream, and whether or not you really believe in it.

If you'll excuse me, I have a hard had to locate.

*nearly got knocked over by a gigantic bee as I stepped out of the house this morning, not as gigantic as these fellas though - lovin' the bees!

{Today's Soundtrack: The Bees - Every Step's A Yes}

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