September 17, 2010


I'm writing a book. At times all I can think is 'what on earth am I thinking?'

It sometimes feels ridiculous, far-fetched and ambitious, but a grown-up friend this week asserted how brave the project is. She looked me in the eye and said in a way that you don't argue with just one word: 'courage'. I have not been feeling at all courageous lately, so tried to think of times when I've been brave in the past, and remembered a trip to Lundy Island almost exactly a year ago. Climbing a sheer sea-cliff is a different type of brave, of physical extremes, but it's still me – the same mind and heart in the middle of it.

These shots remind me too, every situation can be looked at from different angles. Being intimidated will not move you in any direction. All it takes to keep going is right here – it has to be!

I haven't climbed since that trip, after catching the novo-virus and spending a week on the moon, but maybe it's time to dust down the harness and fill up my chalk bag. Physical endurance always helps polish long-haul tenacity.

Right then, best foot forward...

{Today's Soundtrack: Yeah Yeah Yeahs - It's Blitz!}

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