February 11, 2010


Please tell me, does this just happen to me or do other people find hearts strewn under their feet on a regular basis? I keep finding these scuffed little shapes everywhere I go. Last spring there was a patch of time where I found loads, and saved some – on my dashboard, in my purse, as a bookmark. These things happen and–for the reflective character–they do make you wonder, is someone trying to tell you something?

I was with a lovely, wise lady when I found the first little heart, which was dead shiny one side, then I turned it over and saw it was scuffed and grubby. She pointed out that hearts in that condition are even better to love because there's no pretending from the offset. Rough with smooth. What you see, you get. In a way that makes things easier, doesn't it? You're allowed to come with your story.

{Today's Soundtrack: Aqualung}

1 comment:

Kamikaze Kitten said...

Yes! Although all my hearts that I find are just natural objects in heart shapes. For a while I photographed them all the time too.

I like how yours are as if someone has gone forth before you and sprinkled the ground where you are yet to walk with a dusting of hearts.