On Saturday I was interviewed for an hour on the radio (which you can read about on NEWS tomorrow), and one of the things that we discussed was the influence of music in our work – a topic close to my (scuffed, sequin) heart. This morning I am, once again, having an explore through some sounds and find myself lingering with Beach House, and inexplicably fighting a big urge to get on a plane to Portland in Oregon, run fast as I can down the wide river, stand in the middle of this fountain, then catch a tram to
Ken's Artisan Bakery on 338 NW 21st which is the best place I have found for writing down forests full of ideas and desires.
After that, depending on what comes out, I might get in a car and drive, anywhere - Timberline, Seattle, Hood River, maybe Cannon Beach to look for sand dollars.
Is this just late winter talking, or is this because I'm listening to a compelling track about being shocked into a new thing?
Where would you go?
{track: Real Love}