February 17, 2009

Something Gentle

Do you have about eight and a half minutes to watch a short clip? If you do, you will probably, after about the first two minutes, find yourself leaning on your elbows, fists propping your cheeks up with a sweet grin appearing on your face feeling like nothing really matters quite as much as you thought, except those things which you thought didn't matter.

It's absolutely delightful.

Elizabeth Cotten - Freight Train

{That was today's soundtrack}


Peter Wood said...

Thanks for posting this, Lizzie, I really enjoyed seeing her. I've a guitar tuition DVD with archive video of her playing a tune called Vestapol, I think on a 1960s TV show.

I've got a DVD for you of the Danielson Family Movie. http://www.danielsonmovie.com/. Let me know your address somehow! I'll post it to you. I'm on Facebook.

Betty Silk said...

Hey Pete, lovely to hear from you and thanks for the DVD tip! Just today I was asking a friend about guitar lessons - this is all very timely though you may have left this comment ages ago. (Sorry to have been so inactive for so long, things have been hectic.)

I have your number so will text - or you can find contacts through my www page (link right) for emailing.

chat soon!

Anonymous said...

I don't have eight and a half minutes! I have discovered slides as a way of telling a story and I have become rather enamoured of that. It's more in my control and I can go as fast/slow as I like.

Videos take too long to load!