Somehow, this weekend has turned into the bizarrest series of happenings.
On a Sunday night, conventionally the moment we should all be tucked up with Horlicks and a little addictive drama on the BBC, especially when life does that tricky thing of presenting rather a lot all at once and you just need to quiet, here I am with an unruly group of parents-in-a-band listening to them hurl I'M A LOSER BABY into the walls of a family room with more volume than the neighbours probably appreciate.
Thing is, yelling this with a lovely slide guitar woozing us along is incredibly cathartic just now.
The sun has shone today. We've made new friends and done nice things together. Winter-flowering pansies are in the tubs. I've emerged from the shadow of a big black dog who's been coming in and out of sleep for a couple of weeks. Wonderful old step-grandpa died today, and then later some people I'm just getting to know who don't know anything about me muck about with microphones and amps, we all called out Beck's lyric, and that picture on the wall behind Craig seems to sum it all up.
Delightful losers. Whether good or bad things happen, or a confusing combination of the two, some songs sum up the wonderful incompetence and disbelief a lot of us feel as we trip through lots of life.
Happy early autumn Sunday night folks.
{Today's Soundtrack: Beck - Loser}