Today I borrow words from Josh Garrels, a songwriter based in Portland, OR. A meandering, mistaken discovery (thanks to Love Is Concrete, Todd Fadel and genius Aaron Strumpel - check out his Elephants album), this treasure seems timely and appropriate given recent–and ongoing–musing. Accident?
There is a wealth of relevant sound across the water and I'd like to know why we over here in the UK never hear it. I'm as close as I get to 'righteous anger' at the moment. Just bit my lip and deleted a rant about naive, trite, slushy etc. etc... Those familiar with the world of faith music will know what I'm talking about. Those unfamiliar are in a stronger position. Simply, it can often feel like facing into a mist when confronting this subject.
Dear friends over there, I'm so sorry, please send us more of yourselves! You are inspiring and encouraging, and we need this. We really need this.
Learn this lesson well my friend,
There's a time to rejoice and Lament,
And every season will come to an end,
All will fade and be made new again.
{Today's soundtrack: Josh Garrels - Jacaranda}